Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 348)


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7 revisions
Thom Burns at Mar 17, 2022 02:35 PM

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 348)

Capt Winsor

Dear Sir,

Please bring in
a report upon the lot of
Edwin Booth 3281, -- 300 feet --
Anemone Path, for perpetual repair.

Mr Booth is fond of flowers,
and would like to have included
in the estimate a "moderate display"
of flowers. I think he has paid
about $10 for care of lot. You
always set some in the border.
I do not know that he desires
much beyond what you do -- but
wishes to stipulate for the setting of them.

By our usual contracts, we are not
obliged to set flowers.

Yours truly

A.J. Coolidge


Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 348)

Capt Winsor

Dear Sir,

Please bring in
a report upon the lot of
Edwin Booth 3281, -- 300 feet --
Anemone Path, for perpetual repair.

Mr Booth is fond of flowers,
and would like to have included
in the estimate a "moderate display"
of flowers. I think he has paid
about $10 for care of lot. You
always set some in the border.
I do not know that he desires
much beyond what you do -- but
wishes to stipulate for the setting of them.

By our usual contracts, we are not
obliged to set flowers.

Yours truly

A.J. Coolidge