Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 230)




Status: Indexed


Trustees and at such expense to the Corporation as the
Trustees shall determine."

Reference to the amendt made in 1861, added in writing to the
Art. on Gatekeeper was made in connection with Art. 6, to
show the need of amending that article. But now as to this
article itself, the language: --

"in the absence of the Treasurer,
or his Clerk
" --

appears more palpably absurd. -- The
Gatekeeper is that Clerk -- collects burial fees, and sometimes
other bills, and pays some bills for the Treasurer, and goes
in to the Treasurer every few days -- perhaps once a fortnight --
and settles his [act?] with him. I have sometimes seen the
Treasurer's books, and observed that the Gatekeeper
must have had two or three hundred dollars in
his hands.

In summer -- pleasant days -- this work is
an interference with his regular vocation, and were it
not for small boys who are kept at the Gate to sell
Guide books and other knickknacks for the personal
benefit of the Gatekeeper and Funeral Undertaker,
and who attend to a good deal of the opening and
shutting of the Gate, proprietors, I think, might be
disposed sometimes to complain of neglect. In winter,
the Gatekeeper's duties might be trebled without
injury to his health.

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Par. 4 l. 5 -- [act?]