Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 252)




Status: Indexed


Trustees. .

At the regular monthly meeting of the Trustees holden Present Messrs Bigelow, Curtis, Tisdale, Kuhn and Parker.

Admission to Cemetery on Sundays - by Trustees

Voted. That any person may be admitted into the Cemetery
on Sundays with a special permit from a Trustee.

Adjourned. Attest. Henry M. Parker. Secretary.

Trustees .

At the regular monthly meeting of the Trustees holden
Present Messrs Bigelow, Curtis, Tisdale, Parker, Kuhn, Little
Bond, the Treasurer.

Record of the last meeting was read and approved.

Maple Avenue changed in line of

Messrs Curtis Tisdale and Parker, were appointed a Com-
mittee to view and report on any change required to be made
in Maple Avenue.

Adjourned. Attest. Henry M. Parker. Secretary

Trustees. .

At the regular monthly meeting of the trustees holden . Present, Messrs Bigelow, Curtis, Little, Read Tisdale
Crockett and Parker and Bond, the Treasurer.

B.F. Wyeth elected Gatekeeper.

Various applications for the office of gate keeper at the Ceme-
tery were considered, and subsequently the Trustees on motion of
Mr Parker proceeded to ballot for a gate keeper. Six ballots were
thrown all of which were for B. F. Wyeth of Cambridge

The Secretary was ordered to notify Mr Wyeth of his election.

Messrs Read Tisdale and Parker were appointed a Committee
to confer with Mr Wyeth and fix his duties.

Maple Avenue. change in line of.

The Committee on Maple Avenue reported orally and it was
Voted. That Maple Avenue be extended, in a line parallel with
the Eastern fence, and distant about nine feet therefrom along

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Note: Visitors: anyone may be admitted on Sunday with a note from a Trustee
Gatekeeper: B. F. Wyeth elected Gatekeeper
Maple avenue extended