Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 082)




Status: Indexed


with the adjacent Porters Lodges of ham-
mered granite, of substantially the
same form made & dimensions as the
present gate & lodges. That this object can
be accomplished within a reasonable
time without breaking in upon what
they deem a desirable object, the retaining
of a fund in the hands of the corporation
which shall be adequate to all the
expenses of the Corporation. They think that
contracts may be made for the furnishing
the granite & erecting the gate & lodges within
a period of two years from the time the
contracts are made; & that in this manner
the prolonged time will enable the
work to be done in a cheaper & in a
more perfect style. If this course is adop-
ted, the sum of Twenty five thousand
dollars which is the present fund
may be kept whole for the purposes of the
institution & the monies received from the
sales of the lots & interest upon the accummu-
lation & the surplus will be found at
the end of the time two years adequate
to the accomplishment of the object

Iron Fences

Second. The comee also suggest that it
will be desireable as soon as the gate
& lodges
are completed to begin to erect
an iron fence on the whole front line
of the grounds at Mount Auburn & to

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Of interest: details of materials,design and time line for erecting the new gate in stone, also the recommendation to construct an iron fence along the front line of the cemetery