date: 1931-09-10
names-on-the-page: Mrs. Smith
transcription: Page 3.
September 10, 1931.
Mrs. Smith asked for a Today for the Calendar:
Today is my talisman of all the ages,
My new-bought coin, I minted it;
It is either gold, silver or brass,
I may spend it,
Spend it to purchase of a vasty tomorrow,
Or an old yesterday, or a bauble.
Well, it be my talisman.
Time be such a trickster,
The belly gnaws, the innards ache,
Man must tend the whathap, he be fettered.
To sing is to be unfettered,
Who would tether him to a word, if his dream
Were an eagle cleaving the sky shrieking sunward?
Who would tether him to a phrase if his soul danced
Like leaves beneath the sun catching light and shadow?
Many a perfect cup be unfit as a vessel for use.
I would mold a cup of clay, mold 'till my hands wert weary,
A rude cup for the common vintage of day;
I would vat a crude wine of worm and grape, not sweetened,
For such wine hath but little sweet,
But it be an heady stuff and good with bread.
I am no consorter with the glutton who slits his eye
And smacks o'er his sweet distilled cup,
Rather would I fellow wi' a weary back
And sweat and thirst and hunger,
For I have known these things and beheld the lord
With his slim stem goblet and his domed belly.
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