date: 1914-07-10
names-on-the-page: Mrs. C.; Mrs. H.
transcription: "I stop me to behold Him who walketh with
me on the highway, and marvel me. Is this
man he whom I have known for aye, or am I
but a traveler to show him the light?
"His separateness and mine appall me. I
fain would tarry here within the tabernacle,
but lo, the caravan moveth on toward Mecca.
"Up, then, and wend thy way, O Brother, with
the wise who travel well chosen byways, lest
dawn find thee asleep within thy tent.
On brother, on!"
--Star Dust--
"My fancied joys are but star-dust -- are
woe-begotten ills a price for buying gain
from Him who sets no price. I mouthe at
God who needeth not a rule of three. I
warp my soul through sogging up the tears
I shed for all my fellows, and, drying out
from the heat of their railleries, might
soak me in the wholesome rain of truth
abroad and save my slattering stays. But
nay, I fein would warp me to a cup and
crack before I drink!
"Hast e'er beheld a man so stepped in
righteousness that from the corners of this
mantle flowed a sticky stream of deceit
wherewith he trapped sinner? To rend his
righteous robe, thee needs but prod his
vanity, and piety will merge to purgatory."
--My Other Self--
"I found thee, and finding thee, found full
expression of the self that none but mine
own self had known -- the self that reacheth
to heights and strayeth not along the
valley, so shrouded that none may see his
brother's face, but knoweth him only as a
shadow-shape that vanisheth at the sun's
height. I found thee and knew thee, companion-
heart, the gem of life's diadem, my Friend."
"Oh, but this heart of mine is sorely
bruised. The days have torn it to tatters,
and balm refuseth to soothe its aching. A
Dryad parches upon the sun's departing ray
and winks at Orion, wisely wagging, for
she knows that young Night brews a potion
in which to drown our sorrow and stanch the
bleeding heart, for now day brings new
love. Then why nurse the old and useless
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