names-on-the-page: Mrs. H; Patience
transcription: "They were coarse in her day."
"Yes, coarse cloth weareth well. Ye
would sack the pumpkins in silk. A lady
o' the knight may broider a banner with
her tresses; but a wench o' the land
may be card and weave. Ye thirst for
the broidered cloth. Lackaday, 'tis every
so! Swine among a melon patch."
--My Choicest Gift--
Patience: "Ah, greet the day, which, like a
golden butterfly, hovereth 'twixt night
and morn, and welcome her fullness -- the
hours 'mid shadow and those the rose
shall grace.
"Hast thou among her hours thy heart's
desire and dearest? Name thou then of
all His gifts they greatest treasure. The
morning cool and damp, dark-shadowed by
the frowning sun -- is this thy chosen?"
"The midday, flaming as a sword, deep-
stained by noon's becrimsoned light -- is
this thy chosen? Or misty-startide woven
like a spinner's web and jeweled by the
climbing moon -- is this thy chosen?
"Does forest shade or shimmering stream,
or wild bird song, or cooing dove, bespeak
thy chosen? He who sendeth light sendeth
all to thee--pledges of a bonded love.
"And ye who knows Him not, look ye! From
all His gifts He pilfered that which made
it His, to add His fullest offering of
love. From out of the morning, at the
earliest tide, He plucked two lingering
stars who tarried, last the dark should
sorrow. And when the day is born, the
glow of sun-flush, veiled by gossamer
clouds and tinted soft by lingering night
and rose petals, scattered by a loving
breeze. The lily's satin cheek, and dove
cooes, and wild bird song, and Death
himself is called to offer of himself,
and soft as willow buds may be, He
claimeth but the down to fashion this --
thy gift -- the essence of His love --
thine own first born."
--My Road Fellow--
"Jesus died for his blind brothers, aye,
and yet they will not see. Does thy heart
show thee not the lights? Who, then is
my brother, and am I but a transient here?
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