

Status: Page Status Needs Review

date: 1914-05-31

names-on-the-page: Mrs. C.; Mrs. H.

transcription: --God's Temples--

Patience: "Did he who sang unto the
world the hope-song for ages hence devise
a house of rank and file, ribbed and
armored 'gainst the gentleness and tran-
quility of the summer days, when the multi-
tude listed to the words of comforting?
Nay, fields all daisy-kissed, and choirs of
songsters who sang from o'erhanging nests
while cool waters flowed a lazy song of dream-
ing, to sound the harpsicord of music to His
words, while brother smiled to brother and
loved clothed all.

"Wilt thou at this day then seek the field?
Ye build a tower and place upon its peek a
sword or lance. What a crown of blossoms!
What an offering of peace to one whose soul
shungered is! E'en God's sun is shut away,
and armored priests chant haunting songs of
gods who know you not. Does brother there
reflect his love for brother?

"At salute each soul is held, in dread lest
the awful silence break. Is this thy comfort?
This stone on which buildest is indeed
a stone. Build thou a tabernacle upon a turf.
Call thither all God's offerings -- the birds,
the blossoms, the pool, the clustering vine,
and set not upon an altar. Choose rather to
discourse 'mong thy brethern. Bring hither
thy sorrows, thy hopes, thy fears to this, thy
house, for God's house first must be thine."
--Questioning Love--

"All silverlaced with web and crystal-studded
hangs a golden lily-cup as airy as a dancing
sprite. The moon hath caught a fleeting cloud
and rests in her embrace. The bumblefly still
hovers o'er the clever flower and mimics all
the sephyr's song.

"White butterflies whose wings bespeak late
wooing of the buttercup, wend home their way,
the gold still clinging to their snowy gossamer.
E'en the toad, who old and moss-grown seems, is
wabbled on a lily pad, and watches for the moon
to bid the cloud adieu, and light him to his hunt
for fickle marsh-flies who tease him through the day.

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