date: 1914-05-22
names-on-the-page: Mrs. C., Mr. C.
transcription: "But on a day whose dawn breaks gray, shall
I not play a part? E'en like a sunrise,
prisoned as a painter's stroke within a
mussel's shell, the beauty-store of its full
life, this past of mine shall gleam through
mist to glorify another day."
"I called my heart to read my book of fate,
and answer came in trembling. I called my
fancy then to aid, and florid color palled
me. Then my soul I bid to mount the mount
of foolish fears, and frozen was my heart,
and fluttering fancy, like a golden butterfly
driven by a storm, sought refuge 'neath the
blanket of darkness wherein I loose my fears
and show myself myself.
"Think ye! From out this mezc awoke a morning
fair, and fate was born with her and died at
eve. New day shall bring thee faith anew."
May 22, 1914
Mrs. C.
Mrs. H.
-My Seasons-
"My youth is promising as Spring, and verdant
as young weeds whose very impudence taketh them
where bloom the garden's treasures. My midlife
like the summer who blazeth as a fire of blasting
heat, fed by withered, crumbling weeds of my Spring.
"My sunset like the Fall who ripeneth the
season's offering, and hoar-frost is my Winter
night, fraught with borrowed warmth and flowers,
and filled with weeds which springs e'en 'neath
the frozen waste.
"Ah, this is the Winter then my season's close, or
will I pin a faith to hope and look again for
Spring who lives eternal in my soul?"
These two offerings were in response to a discussion over a certain poet. One of the sisters had said his poetry would vanish like dew, another, day would never see it.
-On Tagore's Poems-
"Ah, child of my fancy, art thou indeed a
dream child, or have I called thee from thy
dreaming of mystic worlds? Nay, I call thee
by a name, and thou art not my fancy's weaving.
Art thou then a sprite of other days, and is
this song of Thine, whispered unto me, arisen too?
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