Pages That Need Review
Abstracts of Kaskaskia marriage contracts, from 1720 to 1778 and copy of "Repertoire des papiers du Greffier des Illinois," from 1714-1758
Montmeunier, Barbe, of Quebec, wife of Francois Lacroix of Canada; mother of Marie Joseph Lacroix who weds Jean Baptist Gouin Feb. I4, I730. Mother of Agnese Lacroix who weds Jean Chauvin; Sept. 9, I737.
Montreuil, Jean Baptist, of Kaskaskia, son of Michel M. & late Marie Joseph Lalande of Montreal, weds Francoise Thaumur, daughter of Ant. Thomur & Marianne Roy, May 5, I782. Witness at wedding of Jos. Derousse & Adelaide Thaumur; July 30, I786.
Morance, (or Moranci?), Jacque, witness at wedding of Joseph Barutel & Marie Th. Devegnet; Feb. I783.
Moranci, or Morance, see Morance.
Moreau, Ambroise, of Prairie du Rocher, witness at weddings of Pierre Boucher Lasoudray de Monbreun, & Toinette Langlois; I740. & of Francois Marie Gilbert dit Sanspeur & Marie Joseph Langlois; Apr. II, I78I.
Moreau, Joseph, witness at wedding of Claude Caron & Charlotte Lachemai; I743. & of Jacque Bastion & Marguerite Perthuis; Mar. 20, I739.
Moreaux, Valentin, weds Catie Poithiè; I736. (F.R.o.C.)
Morin, Antoine, of St. Genevieve, son of Jacque Morin & Therese Immineaur, weds Therese Lachapelle; May I6, I768.
Morin, Jacque, husband of Therese Immunier of St. Gene-
vieve, father of Antoine M. who weds Therese Lachapelle; May I6, I768.
Morin (handwritten above is Marin), Marie Marguerite, weds le Chevallier De Villier; De. 6, I755. (handwritten: she was daughter of Paul Marin.)
Moricet, Charlotte, wife of Antoine Dorè of Kaskaskia; mother of Louis Dorè who weds Catherine Tanguè of Canada; Nov. 5, I786.
Mouton, Philippe, husband of Marie Helene Helan; father of Philippe M., soldier of Fort Chartre, who weds Barbe Babstar; Sept. I0, I746.
Mouton, Philippe, soldier of Fort Chartre, son of Philippe Mouton & Marie Helene Helan; weds Marie Barbe Babstar; widow of Jean Henrion; Sept. I0, I746.
Muller, see Mallet.
Muretseteaux, see Marcheteau.
Neveu, Jacque, husband of Michelle Chauvin; father of (handwritten in right margin: Ib wis. his. call. 454;461) Therese Neveu who weds first Jn. Bapt. Girardeau; the second time Louere (handwritten above: Louis) Dutisnè & third time Renè Harpain, "Ecuyer Sieur "Delagautrai; I746.
Neveu, Therese Celeste, daughter of Jacques Neveu & Michelle Chauvin; weds three times, the first, Jn. Bapt. Girardeau Nov. 9, I722; the second time Louere (handwritten above: Louis); the third time Renè Harpain, "Ecuyer Sieur" Delagautrai; I746.
witness at wedding which took place in the house of Mr. Buchet, the contract of which was torn off, only the names of witnesses remain; 7 the date Oct. 2, I740.
Nicolars, Sieur, "Commandant au Post St. Agne; witness at wedding of Jean Francois De Cointe & Ursule Clermont; June 2, I767. (handwritten in left margin: See Indiana Historical Society Publication Vol. II No. 2 p. 37)
Nicole, Etienne, weds Marie Giard, I740; (F.R.o.C.), father of Francoise Nicole who weds Charles Lefebre; witness at weddings of Francois Denis dit Lapierre & Marie Degagnè; May I7, I768. & of Claude Buatte & Cath. Lacomble; Aug. 20, I770. & of Renè Locat & Marie Aubuchon; Oct. 2I, I776. (handwritten in left margin: See Illinois Historical Collections (Alvard) Vol. 2 - Index)
Nicole, Francoise, (living at the house of her uncle Gabriel Cerrè), daughter of late Etienne Nicole & late Marie Girard; weds Charles Lefrebre; of Kaskaskia, May I8, I778.
Noisè,.... weds Marie St. Yves; I740. (F.R.o.C.)
Obermanet see Abremanet or Abremannè.
Olivier, Anne, wife of Ichabod Camp, Protestant Minister; mother of Catherine Camp who weds Jean Baptist Guion; Aug. 3, I785. Mother of Stella Camp who weds Antoine Rielhe; Mch. I8, I786.
Olivier, Dorothè, daughter of Jean Olivier of Kaskaskia, weds Nicolas Boyer of Montreal; May I2, I748.
Olivier, Jean, husband of Marthe,. . . . ; father of Dorothe who weds Nicholas Boyer of Montreal; May 1748. Olivier, Marthe . . . . . ., wife of Jean Olivier of Kaskaskia mother of Dorothe O. who weds Nicolas Boyer; May 1748. Outtelas or Outtelaz, Jacques Philippe, son of Jean Baptist Outtelas & Marie Francoise Denis; weds Catherine Alariey; Jan. 27, 1730. Outtelas or Outtelaz, Jean Baptist, husband of Marie Francoise Denis; father of Jacques who weds Catherine Alarily; Jan. 27, 1730. Outtelaz, see Outtelas. Page, Prisque, weds Marie Francoise Michelle; Jan. 30, 1757. (F.R.o.C.) Pajot, widow, weds Lacroix; Sept. 8, 1739. Pancraffe, see Pancrasse. Pancrasse, Marie Therese, of late (illegible), weds Bernard Bouillon; Aug. 31, 1746. Pancrasse, Francois, witness at wedding of Marie Therese Pancrasse & Bernard Bouillon; Aug. 1746. Pancrasse, Pierre, witness at wedding of Marie Therese Pancrasse & Bernaard Bouillon; Aug. 1746. Papin, Jean Baptist, witness at wedding of Pierre Ge-
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lino dit Lacourse & Elizabeth Bienvenu; 1744. Pare, Jean, witness at following weddings: Pierre Nicolas Messager & Marie Louise Langlois; Apr. 1740. Rene Roy & Marianne Bouchard; May 29, 1744. Parent, Charles, weds Marie Barbe Viviente; June 18, 1747. (F.R.o.C.) Parent, Pierre, husband of Marianne Choboyer; father of Therese Parent who first weds Albert Muretseteau or Marcheteau Desnoyer; the second time Francois Abremannet; 1766. Parent, Therese, daughter of Pierre Parent & Marianne Choboyer; her first husband is Albert Marchet- eau Desnoyer; the second time she seds Fran- cois Abremannet, before the Cahokia Judge; 1766. Pasquin, witness at wedding of Rene Harpain Delagautrai; 1746. Peira, Augustin, witness at wedding of Jean Andreaux dit St. Jean & Marie, widow of Charles Erhy; 174 . . . (?) Pellier, (Peltier?), Angelique, weds Jean Baptist Cree- ly; Aug. 30, 1755. (F.R.o. C.) Peltier dit Antaya, Antoine, witness at wedding of Jean Baptist Deganie & Marie Louise Hulain; Jan. 12, 1747. Peltier dit Antaya, Josephite, weds Joseph Noel Doza; Aug, 16, 1755; mother of Pelagie Doza who weds Jerome Danis; 1782 (?); mother of Joseph Doza
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who weds Catherine Longval; I782.
Peltier, Michel, witness at wedding of Charles Charleville & Catherine Longval; June 2, I782.
Peltier see Antaya.
Perou or Perau, Pierre weds widow Rolet, May I3, I754. (F.R.o.C.)
Perrault, Michel, witness at wedding of Jerome Danis & Pelagie Doza I782 (?).
Perrault, Pierre, weds Marie Francoise Lejeune; I740. (F.R.o.C.)
Perrin, Augustin, witness at wedding of Bernard Bouillon & Marie Therese Pancrasse; I746.
Perrin, Augustin, Capucin (?), witness at wedding of Joseph Dorion & Marie Pichard; I749.
Perthuis, Angelique, wife of Louis Lefebre of Kaskaskia; mother of Jacque Lefebre who weds Marie Tetian; Jan. I9, I739. Witness at wedding of Renè Harpain Delagautrai & Therese Neveu; I746.
Perthuis, Louise, witness at wedding of Jean Baptist Muller (handwritten: crossed out with Mallet written above) & Magdeleine Chenier; I74I.
Perthuis, Joseph, witness at wedding of Jean Baptist Muller (handwritten: crossed out with Mallet written above) & Magd. Chenier; I74I.
Perthuis, Magdeleine, weds Renè Roy; I744 (F.R.o.C.)
Perthuis, Marguerite, daughter of Pierre P. & Cath. Mallet; weds Jacque Bastion; Nov. 20, I739.
Perthuis, Pierre, husband of Catherine Mallet; father
of Marguerite who weds Jacque Bastion; Mar. 20, I739.
Perthuis, Pierre, of Cahokia, takes the name of Jacques Bastion (Bartoi or Baston), son of Jacques Bastion & Marie Chalifoua of Canada; weds Marguerite Perthuis; Mar. 20, I739. Witness at wedding of J. Bapt. Mallet or Muller & Magd. Chenier; I74I.
Perthuis, see Jacques Bastion.
Petit, dit Chabot see Chabot.
Petit, dit Chabot, Jean, third husband of Jeanne Germain, widow of Gregoire Allard; I749.
Petit or Petie, Joseph, son of Michel P. & Madeleine Lassie; weds Miss De Lonnais, July 27, I737.
Petit, Michel, husband of Madeleine Lassie; father of Joseph P. who weds Miss De Lonnais; July 27, I737.
Pglinel,..., weds Masa8tinki8ea (an Imdian woman), June 29, I73I. (handwritten: see Ste. Anne Register 49)
Pharè, Noè, witness at wedding of Jean Baptist Barbeau & Jeanne Legras; I749.
Phillibert, Notary, witness at wedding of Francois Codere & Marguerite Chapard; May I6, I776.
Phillibotte (handwritten above: Phlibot), Charles, weds Marie Boulogne; Feb. 8, I747. (F.R.o.C.)
Philippe, Agnese, weds Chassein Nov. 29, I722., wife of Chenier; mother of Magdeleine Chenier, I74I. weds Jean Roy; Nov. I, I737. (F.R.o.C.)
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Philippe, Elizabeth, weds Alexandre Duclos "Ecuyer Officier d'Infanterie, detachement de Mariens", Dec. 20, I733. Aunt of Charlotte Chassein who weds Antoine Henaux, widower of Cecile Brunet Bourbonnais; June 8, I745.
Philippe, Michel, witness at wedding of Charles Huet Dulude & Marie Ma8esse Igoist; May 22, I735.
Philippe, Etienne, first husband of Marie Ma8esse Igoist whose second husband is Charles Huet Dulude, May 23, I735.
Philippe, Ignace, witness at following weddings: Jn. Bapt. Mallet & Magd. Chenier; I74I. Ant. Henaux & Charlotte Chassein; June 8, I745.
Philippe, Jacque, weds Marianne Boullogne, I737. (F. R.o.C.)
Philippe, Michel, witness at wedding of Chas, Huet Dulude & Marie Ma8esse Igoist; May 22, I735.
Picard, Alexis, weds Marie Francoise Riviere dit Bacanet; Jan I9, I749; his second wife is Marie Laroche; Sept. 3, I752. (handwritten in right margin: marriage 9 Feb. 1748 St. Anne Reg. 185 She died 10 Mch 1757 St. Anne Register 24 He came to St. Louis 1764 V. Billou)
Pichard, Louis, of Kaskaskia, husband of Marie who wedslater Joseph Dorion; I749.
Pichard, Marie, widow of Louis; weds Joseph Dorion; I749.
Pichet, Marie Magdelein, wife of Charles Denis dit La-
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pierre; mother of Francois who weds Marie Magd. Degagnè; of Canda, May I5, I768.
Pilet dit Lasonde,.... weds widow Laferne, May I, I74I.
Pilet dit Lasonde, Antoine, weds widow Langlois; I740.
Pilet dit Lasonde, Marie Barbe, daughter of Pierre Pilet dit L. & Magdeleine Boisrond; weds Michel Danis June 28, I742; (One place gives the date asI745), mother of Michel Danis who weds Elizabeth Bienvenu; Feb. 5, I782. ;mother of Jerome Danis who weds Pelagie Doza; Feb. 4, I782.
Pilet dit Lasonde, Alphonse, witness at weddign of Claude Buatte & Cath. Lacomble; Aug. 20, I770.
Pilet dit Lasonde, Louis, of Prairie du Rocher, son of Pierre P. dit L. & Madeleine Bovon weds Marie Barbeau; Sept. 2I, I767. Witness at wedding of Alexis Beauvais & Therese Danis; Nov. II, I786.
Pilet dit Lasonde, Magdeleine, daughter of Pierre P. dit L. & Madeleine Bovon or Boisron; weds Jn. Bapt. Millot; Jan. I7, I747.
Pilet dit Lasonde, Marie Louise, wife of Jean Baptist Marquia; mother of Marie Louise who weds Jos. Creely; May 28, I768.
Pilet dit Lasonde, (Pierrot), Nicolas, "Sergeant des Troupes du Roy au Fort de Chartre", son of Pierre P. dit L. & Jeanne Mangolt, natives of Loraine; weds Renèe Drouet, widow of Jn. Bapt.
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Houdehor (?); 1741. Pilet dit Lasonde, Pierre, husband of Jeanne Mangolt. natives of Lorraine; father of Nicolas P.dit L., who weds Renee Droustl 1741. Witness at wedding of Pierre Gelino dit Lacourse & Elizabeth Bienvenul 1744.
Pilet dit Lasonde, Pierre, of Kashaskia, husband of Madeleine Boisrond or Bovon; father of Louis, who weds Marie Barbeau;Sept.2, 1767. Father of Marie Barbe P.dit L. who weds Michel Danisl 1742. Father of Madeleine P.dit L. who weds Jean Baptist Millot;Jan.17, 1747. (Note:- This Pierre and the one preceding, may be the same one, who has married twice).
Pitre, Alphonse, witness at wedding of Claude Buatte & Cath. Lacomble; Aug.20, 1770.
Pitre, Francoise, of Kashaskia,frost weds Raphael Gagne the second time she weds Paul Poupart; mother of Joseph Poupart who weds Marie Louise Chenier; Sept.28, 1776
Pitre, Marie Francoise, witness at wedding of Claude Buatte & Catherine Lacomble;Aug.20, 1770.
Pitre, Michel, witness at wedding of Claude Buatte & Catherine Lacomble;Aog[Aug].20,1770.
Pinau, Mathurin, son of late Pierre Pinau & Anne
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