Abstracts of Kaskaskia marriage contracts, from 1720 to 1778 and copy of "Repertoire des papiers du Greffier des Illinois," from 1714-1758

Typescript transcription of marriage records and other documents from early Kaskaskia. With an appendix, giving a list of Kaskaskia documents in possession of the University of Illinois, in July 1912.


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Bapt, Charleville & Fcoise Brazeaux; 1769. Jn. Fr. De Cointe & Ursule Clermont; June 1767. Alexis La Plante & Th. Denis Veronneau; 1768. Jos. Fortin & Mrie Rose T.Devegnais; 1770. Jacque Lasource & Helene St.G. Beauvais; 1770. Jn. Bapt Beauvais & Th. Montbrun; June 1770. Chas. Le Boeuf dit Laflame & Esther L'Archeveque; July 24, 1770. Athanase Racine & Mrie. Cath. Message; Aug. 1772. Jos. Baugi & Mrie. Lse. D. Duplassy; Aug. 17, 1778.

Jerome, Jerome, Notary at wedding of Pierre Boucher Lasoundray de Monbrun & Toinette Langlois; 1740. Witness at following weddings; Jn. Chauvin & Agnese Lacroix Sept.9, 1737. Pre. Nic. Messager & M. Lse.Langlois; Apr.29,1740. Ls. De Populus & Mrie. Joachim Langlois; 1740. Michel Lejeune & Fcoise Hennet dit Sans Chagrin; 1743.

Joson dit Liberville, see Liberville.

Joussete, Marguerite, wife of Jacques Deganie of Kaskaskia; mother of Jean Baptist Deganie who weds Marie Louise Hulin; Jan. 12, 1747.

Jugoming, Jean Baptist, weds widow St. Laurent; Apr, 23, 1755. (F.R.o.C.) (Montbrein de St. Laurent)

Jusseaume dit Segu8n Laderoute, see Laderoute

Kersere (Kerceraux), Genevieve, weds Jos. Loiselle; Jan. 17, 1757. (F.R. o.C.)(See Kerceraux genealogy in Collett's index in St. Louis Archives P. 79) -78-

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Kersereau, Marie, weds Louis Pothier; 1751. (F.R.o.C.)

La Boissiere, Maria, wife of Joseph Baron; mother of Suzanne Baron who weds Joseph Metoth of Fort Chartre; June 8, 1745.

La Bossiere, Marie, weds Garon; Aprl, 12, 1723.

La Bossiere, Francoise, witness at wedding of Nicolas Boyer & Dorothe Olivier; May 1748.

Labriere, Louis, Normand, weds Agnese Hulin; July 5, 1747. Witness at wedding of Jacque Lefebre & Marie Tetian; Jan. 19, 1739.

Labriere, Raimond, Normand, witness at following weddings: Joseph Terrien; Sept. 26, 1779. Pierre Lefebre & Mrie. Lse. Langlois; Oct.9,1785.

Labriere, Mr. weds ....... Deganies; Mch, 7, 1754. (F.R. o.C.)

La Brise, (de Brise)., Francoise, wife of Jean Baptist Pothirt, of Kaskaskia; mother of Toussaint Pothier; 1745. (See Mason's Kaskaskia auditsParish Records, Fergus Ed. p 8)

Labuissinniere, Alphonse, "Ecuyer, Capitaine de Compaignie d'Infanterie Detache par la Louisiane Commandant pour le Roi, auz Illinois." Aug, 6, 1741. (Husband of Marie Therese Trudrau. agt )

Labuissonniere, Madam, witness at wedding of Louis De Populus & Marie Joachim Langlois; Aug 6, 1740. - 79 -

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Labuissoniere, Trudeau, witness at wedding of Louis De Populus & Marie Joachim Langlois; Aug.6, 1740.

Labuissoniere, witness at wedding of a wedding which took place in the house of Mr. Buchet, Oct 2, 1740; part of the contract is missing, only the names of the witnesses remain.

Lace [Placet (Plasi)], P., Notary, witness at wedding of Jacque Phillippe Outtelaz & Catherine Alary; Jan.27, 1730.

Lachance, (dit Caillot) Joseph Merchant of Cahokia, son of Louis Lachanse dit Caillot & late Marie Louise Lepage of Quebec; weds Marie Therese Poupart; June 8, 1777.

Lachanse dit Caillot, Nicolas, "Lieutenant de Milice," witness at following weddings; Francois Denis dit Lapierre & Mrie. Degagne; May 15, 1768 Bapt; Ch. Charleville & Fcoise Brazeaux; 1769 Jos. Fortin & Mrie. Rose Th. Devegnais; 1770. Jn. Bapt. Lapierre & Mgte. Dupuy; Sept.13, 1772.

Lachanse dit Caillot. see Caillot.

Lachapelle, Charles, husband of Charlotte Lamy of St. Genevieve; father of Therese who weds Antoine Morin; May 16, 1768. Witness at following weddings; -80-

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Jacque Lasource & Helene Beauvais; Jan 29, 1770.

Lachapelle, Charles, (I think that this one must be a different Charles from the one above, as the dates are over twenty years apart;) Witness at following weddings: Claude Caron & Charlotte Lachenai; 1743. Nic. Boyer & Dorothe Olivier; May 1748. At wedding of which most of the contract is missing, only the names of Witnesses remain, & the date, Feb. 4, 1743.

Lachapelle, Therese, daughter of the late Charles Lachapelle & late Charlotte Lamy, who weds Antoine Morin; May 16, 1768.

Lachenai, Charlotte, daughter of Philippe Lachenai & Marguerite Texier; weds Claude Caron; 1743. , Witness at wedding of Nic. Boyer & Dorothe Olivier; May, 1748. & at a wedding of which, most of the contract is missing, only the names of witnesses remain & the date, 1743.

Lachenai, Philippe, of Kaskaskia, husband of Marguerite Texier; father fo [of] Charlotte L. who weds Claude Caron; 1743.

Laclede, Sieur, witness at wedding of Bapt. Chauvin Charleville of Kaskaskia & Francoise Riyard; 1769. -81-

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Lacomble, Bernard, husband of Genevieve Billard; father fo [of] Catherine Lacomble who first weds Jean Baptist Chartrune (Chartrand?); the second husband is Claude Buatte, Aug. 20, I770. Witness at following weddings: Paul Poupart; Fcoise Santorum; Jan. 11, 1749. Jos. Lachanse & Mrie Therese Poupart; June 1777.

Lacomble, Catherine, daughter of late Bernard Lacomble & Genevieve Billard; first weds Jean Baptist Chartrune (Chartrand?), her second husband is Claude Buatte; Aug. 2-, 1770.

Lacourse, Jacques, son of Pierre Lacourse & Magdaleine (torn page), widower of late ........ Bienvenu; weds Charlotte Lalande, 1749. Witness at following weddings; Claude Caron & Charlotte Lachenai; 1743. Pierre Gelino dit Lacourse & Elizabeth Bienvenu; 1744. At wedding of which, contract is partly missing, only names of witnesses remain & the date, Feb. 4, 1743.

Lacourse, Marie Louise, weds Louis Longval, Feb. 2, 1755. weds the second time, Joseph Doza of Kaskaskia 1782.

Lacourse. Pierre, husband of Magdeleine (torn page), & father fo [of] Jacque who weds first Miss Bienvenu, the second time, Charlotte Lalande; 1749. -82-

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