Settlement of Estate of Marie P8insa; Heir was Michel Ako; at Kaskaskia; Nov. 13, 1728.
Donation by widow St. Ange, née Marie Rose Texier, to the children of Pierre St. Ange; Dec. 20, 1738.
A Pass issued to Louis Perreault by James Murray; the transaction made in New Orleans, on board the ship commanded by Athane Abenezer Cozen; Oct 12, 1763.
Protest of Joseph Perrault against Letters of Exchange, drawn by Clark on New Orleans; in body of letter is written, "Logé chez le Lieutenant Richard Winston, ou il a Elu son Domicile; June 24, 1779.
Petition to inhabitants of Kaskaskia to John Todd, requesting him to prevent soldiers of St. Charles from killing cattle, and to stop the sale of liquors to Indians and slaves; May 24, 1779.
Paper appointing Jean Bapt. Barbeau and Antoine DuChouquet de Louvieres, for first and second Judges of Prairie du Rocher; Aug. 19, 1779.
Ballot sheet, where Stanislas Levasseur is elected Justice; (probably at Prairie du Rocher; Feb. 10, 1782.
Signature of St. Ange, commanding at Fort Chartre, as witness at marriage of Outtelas, between 1730-39.
Signature of Dutisné at Fort Chartre; 1725.
* B *
Auctions from 1730-1790.
Apprenticeships from 1730-1749,.
Bills, accounts &c. 1720-1790.
Building Contracts from 1723-1758.
Business Contracts from 1720-1739.
Certificates, (Miscellaneous), from 1720-1790.
Contracts of Service from 1720-1749.
Court Records from 1720-1790.
Church Papers from 1740-1790.
Declarations before Notaries fromn 1730-1790.
Division of Goods from 1760-1765.
Division of Property from 1740-1790.
Donations from 1730-1749.
Emancipations of Slaves from 1778-1790.
Exchange from 1730-1790.
Guardianships from 1720-1790.
"Huissier" Papers from 1730-1765.
Inventories from 1720-1778.
Judicial Sales from 1720-1790.
Land Grants from 1720-1790,.
Letters from 1720-1790.
Marriage Contracts from 1720-1779.
Miscellaneous from 17..-17...
Notarial Receipts from 1720-1749.
Leases from 1720-1790.
Petitions to Magistrates 1720-1790.
* C *
Political Papers from 1720-1790.
Power Of Attorney from 1720-1790.
Promissory Notes from 1720-1739.
Receipts from 1730-1778.
Sales from 1720-1790.
Settlement of Estates from 1720-1790.
Summons from 1778-1790.
Territorial Law Papers from 1770-1809.
Wills from 1720-1790.
* D *