


Status: Page Status Needs Review

Texier or Tessier, Marie, of Trois Rivieres, wife of
Lacque La Plante; mother of Alexis La. P. who
weds Therese Denis Veronneau; May 1767.
Texier, Tessier, Marie Joseph, wife of Antoine
Loisse(?), mother of Marie Jeanne Loisse(?)
who weds Aime Lecomte; 1768.
Texier, Tessier, Marie Louise, weds Michel Place;
Jan. 19, 1754. (F.R.o.C.)
Texier, Tessier, Pierre, weds Magdeleine Turpin; Jan.
21, 1757.
Thaumur, see Thomurdit Lasource.
Therseneau, Rene, weds Marie Robillard; Feb. 12, 1747.
Thibault, Joseph, witness at follwing weddings:
Jn. Bapt. Derousse & Angelique Royer; 1785.
Jos. Derousse & Adelaide Thaumur; July 30, 1786.
Mich. Derousse & Th. Devignais; Feb. 11, 1787.
Thibierge, Laurette, witness at a wedding, the con-
tract of which is lost & torn. only the names
of witnesses remain, & date, Feb. 4, 1743.
Thibierge, Louis, witness at wedding of Lambert Cavel-
lier & Marie Aubuchon; Sept. 4, 1740.
Thomason, Thomas, "Enseigne & Docteur des troupes de
sa Majeste Britanique, aux pays des Illinois;
Witness at wedding of Louis Brazeur & Marie
Bienvenu Delisle; Jan. 12, 1776.
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Judy Marley, Ph.D. (Dr. Judith L. (Lingousky) Marley

Page 84 of 93:
Line 6-- Accent mark over "e" of Aime
Line 7-- Place has accent mark over "e"
Line 12-- T(?)hercereau or K(?)ercerau is handwritten above Therseneau
Line 12-- Rene has handwritten accent on second "e"
Line 19-- part is typed above typed words "is" and "lost"
Line 24-- Majeste has handwritten accent mark over second "e"