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man, weds Jn. Baptist Baron; Aug. 8, 1748.
Rollet, Fcois. Xavier, son of Jacques Rollet & late
Tomel (?) Aubert, he is of Fort Chartre; weds Ma-
rie Becquet; June 7, 1745.
Rollet, Francois Xavier, "des Caos", son of Jacques
Rollet & late Marianne Lefevre; step son of Ma-
rie Becquet, (there must be a mistake some-
where, in regard to the records of Marie Becquet
unless there were two); weds Marianne Fouillard;
June 11, 1747.
Rollet, Francois Xavier, (I have entered these three
records of a Francois Xav. R. separately, as it
is impossible to determine whether there were one
or three), husband of Domitille Apanek8a (Peoria
Indian woman); father of Domitille Rollet who weds
Jean Baron; 1740.
Rollet, Jacques, husband of Tomel Aubert; father of
Fcois. Xav. R. who weds Marie Becquet; June 7,
Rollet, Jacques, husband of Marianne Lefebre; father of
Fcois. Xav. R. who weds Marianne Fouillard; June 11.
Rollet, Dom, of Fr. Xav. R, & D. Apanek8a; weds Jn. Baron; 1740.
Rollet, Lucie, wife of J. Jos, Chorel dit Deauphine; 1754.
Rolet, widow, weds Pre. Perou; May 13, 1745 (F. R.o.C.).
Rondeau, Randeau, (Lasennetat(?), Mariianne, Claudine, of
Pre. Lasennetat dit St. Pierre of Ft. Chartre,
and Catherine Anne Federolle;-
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Judy Marley, Ph.D. (Dr. Judith L. (Lingousky) Marley

Page 76 of 93:
Line 21-- 1747 is typed above June 11
Line 23-- Sorel is handwritten above Chorel