Gervais, Francois, witness at wedding of Antoine Aubu-
chon & Lizabeth Delaunay; Feb. 1, 1730.
Giard, Giart, Antoine, witness at wedding of ....
Girard & ....... Labade; 1734
Girard, weds Miss (Labadie?). Labade; 1734. (Only a
half of this contract is found).
Giard, Catherine, witness at wedding of Charles Le-
febre & Francoise Nicole; May 18, 1778 (She m. Gabriel Cerrè.)
Giard, Jean Baptist, weds Marie Fouillard Aug. 11, 1737.
Witness at wedding of Francois Xavier Rollet
& Marianne Fouillard; June II, 1747.
Giard, husband of Marianne LaFontaine; the latter is
witness at wedding of Louis Borè & Celeste
Therese Carriere; May I9, 1740
Giard, Marie, weds Etienne Nicole. 1740. (F.R.o.C.) (Angelique handwritten after Marie)
Mother of Francoise Nicole who weds Charles
Lefebre of Kaskaskia; May I8, I778.
Giard, Giar, Marie, wife of Blaise Barutel; mother (Anne handwritten after Marie)
of Joseph Barutel who weds Marie Thuillier
Devegnais; Feb. I6, I783
Giard, Marie Anne, witness at wedding of Charles Le-
febre & Francoise Nicole; May I8, I778.
Girad, widow, weds Jean Baptist Domon; I75I. (F.R. (of Antoine handwritten after widow and Dornon handwritten over Domon)
Gibault, Louise, daughter of late Pierre Gibault &
Marie St. Jean; weds Joseph Migneau of Kaskas-
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