de St. Ange; no date.
Garon, weds Marie Laboissiere; Apr. 12, 1723 (F.R.o.
Gaudee, Jeanne, weds Benetot; June 20, 1739.
Gaudefroy, Jacques, of Kaskaskia; husband of Marie C.
Gene; father of Jacques G, who weds Francoise
Thuillier Devegnais; Jan. 7, 1747.
Gaudefroy, Jacques, son of late Jacques Godefroy of
Kas. & late Marie Gene; weds Francoise Thuil-
lier Devegnais; Jan. 7, 1747.
Gaudron, Etieene, weds Marie Millet; 1735. (F.R.o.C.)
Gaule or Gauli, Louis of Tourraine, witness at fol-
lowing weddings; Joseph Dorion & Marie Pich-
ard; 1749.
Jn. Bapt. Baron & Domitille Rolet; Aug. 8, 1748.
Gautier, Pierre, witness at following weddings:
Jos. Metoth & Suzanne Baron; June 8, 1745.
Fr. Xav. Rollet & Marie Becquet; June 7, 1745.
Geant, witness at wedding of Jean Andreaux
dit St. Jean & Marie, widow of Charles Erhy of
Quebec; 174.... (?).
Geaudreau, Etienne, witness at wedding of Pierre Ig-
nace Barde Laferne & Marianne Barrois; Apr.
26, 1745.
Gelino dit Lacourse, Pierre, of Kaskaskia, husband of
Marie Barbeau; father of Pierre G. dit L. &
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