

Status: Page Status Transcribed

Dubrogé Bastel, witness at wedding of André De Guire &
Elizabeth Brunet; June II, I729.

Duclos, Alexandre, "Ecuyer officier d'Infanterie. Detach-
ment de Marine des troupes de sa Majeste Chre-
tienne", living at St. Genevieve; weds three times;
the first wife is Elizabeth Philippe; Dec. 20,
I733. His second wife is Charlotte Chassein, June
8, I745; his third wife is Elizabeth Michel, mo-
ther of Antoine Duclos who weds Marie Jeanne
Saucier; Apr. 9, I768. Witness at following wedding
Toussaint Pothier & Cath.F.O.Delessars; I745.
Jn. Bapt. Mallet & Magd. Chenier; I741.

Duclos, Antoine, living at Prairie du Rocher, son of
Alexandre Duclos, living at St. Genevieve, & El-
izabeth Michel; weds Marie Jeanne Saucier; I768.

Duclos, Joseph, Deselle, officer at Prairie du Rocher,,
second husband of Marie Jeanne Fontaine, widow of
Francois Saucier; I768.

Duchouquet, François. weds (Celeste) Thérèse Barrois Jan. 8. 1757
(F.R.o.C), witness at following weddings:
Robert Groton de St.Ange et Elizabeth Chorel (Sorel)
de St Romain: no date

Duchouquet, Henri, witness at wedding of Jos. Baugi & Ma
rie Louise Duguay Duplassy; Aug. I7, I748.

Dufrene, Jacque, Michel, witness at following weddings:
Jos. Iberville dit Joson & Lse. Langlois; I745.

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