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Drouart, witness at following weddings:
Jean. Baptiste Beauvais & Thérèse. Montbrun; June 8, I770
Chas. Charleville & Cath. Longval; I782
Jos. Doza & Cath. Longval; I782
Jn. Bapt. Derousse & Angelique Royer; I785.

Drouart, Vallé, witness at following weddings:
Bapt. Charleville & Françoise Brazeaux; I769.
Jos. Creely & Mrie. Lse. Marquis, May 26, I768.

Drouet, (Drouin?), Renée daughter of Pierre D. & Perrine
Rennes Britanny; first weds Jean Baptist Hou- (Bodelle of in)
déhor; her second husband is Nicolas Pilet dit
Lasonde, "Sergeant des troupes du Roy," I741.

Drouin, (Drouet), Renée, (must be same as above), first (inelligble)
weds Nicolas Pillet dit Lasonde I741; second hus-
band is Charles Hervier; June I745. (F.R.o.C)

Drouet, Pierre, husband of Jeanne Rennes of Britanny;
father of Renee D. whose first [first] husband is Jean Baptist Houdehor(?), her second husband is Nicolas (See Sainte-Anne Register Drouin)
Pilet dit Lasonde; I741.

Dubord, Joseph, weds widow of Pierre Lacourse; June 22,
I755. (F.R.o.C) witness at wedding of Alexis
La Plante & Thérèse Denis Veronneau; May I768.

Du Bise, Catherine, witness at wedding of Pierre Ig-
nace Barde de Laferne & Marianne Barrois; Apr.
26, I745.

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