(2). Dorion or Doriant, Doryon, Pierre, husband of Genevieve
Chapeau; father of Joseph Dorion who weds Marie
Pichard, widow of late Louis Pichard; I749.
(I). Dorion, Doryon, Joseph, son of Pierre D. & Genevieve Cha-
peau; weds Marie Pichard, widow of Louis Pichard;
I749. Witness at wedding of Andreaux & Marie wi-
dow of Charles Erhy. I74..(?).
Doruon, [Dornon] Jeane Baptist, weds widow (Girard)
Giard; I751. ("belle-mère," of Gabriel Cerré.)
Dorval Antoine, witness at wedding of Jean Baptiste Dega
nié & Marie Louise Hulin; Jan. 12 I747.
Douet [Donne] or Donet, Victoire, weds Louis de Cabazier; Jan.
25, 1750. (F. R. o. C.)
Doza, Antoine, witness at wedding of Claude Caron &
Charlotte Lachenai; 1743.
Doza, Joseph, son of Noel Doza of Kaskaskia & Josephine
Pelletier Antaya; weds Catherine Longval; 1782.
witness at wedding of Chas. Charleville & Cather-
ine Longval (?). June 3, 1782.
Doza, Joseph Noel, weds Josephite Peltier Antaya, Aug. 6,
1755; father of Pelagie Doza who weds Jerome
Danis, Feb. 4, 1782; father of Joseph D. who weds
Catherine Longval 1782.
Doza, Pelagie, daughter of Joseph Noel Doza & Joseph-
ine Peltier Antaya; weds Jerome Danis. Feb. 4,
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