Dodge, John, witness at wedding of Antoine Riehle & Ste
Stella Camp; March 18, 1786
Dodié, Grabriel Ange, Indian Interpreter; witness at the following weddings: (inelligible 1 Billon 429)
François. Hennet dit Sans Chagrin & Marguerite
Becquet; June 20, I740
Alexis Picard & Marie.Françoise.Riviere dit Bacanet;
date torn off (1748)
Toussaint Pothier & Caterine Fortune O.Delessars;
Jean-Baptiste Mallet & Magdelaine Chenier; I74I.
Jos.Metoth & Suzanne Baron; June 8, I745.
François .Xavier Rollet & Marie. Becquet ; June 7, I745.
Jn. Chauvin & Agnese Lacroix; Sept. 9, I737.
Antoine Henaux et Charlotte Chassain: june 7, 1745
Pierre. Ignace. Bardet de Laferne & Marianne Barrois ; I745.
Dodié Marie Francoise, weds Jean Baptist Becquet, Jan.
24, I745. (F.R.o.C.)
Dodié, Urbain witness at wedding of Jean Baptiste, Gouin
& Marie Joseph Lacroix; Feb.14, 1730.
Dodié, weds Françoise Millet; Apr., I736.
Doré, Antoine, of Prairie du Rocher, husband of Charlotte
Moricet; father of Louis Doré who weds Catherine Tangué of Canada; Nov. 5, I786.
Doré, Louis, of Prairie du Rocher, son of Antoine Dore & Catherine TanguÉ of Canada; Nov.5, I786.
(Charlotte Moricet inelligible)
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