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3 revisions | Taylor D. at Feb 16, 2023 08:14 PM STLCity_CrimCrt_Index_C_04388Last Name: Costello First Name: Joe Middle Name: Age: 29 Color: W Sex: M Charge: H.C. & Driving M. V. while intoxicated Case No.: 183 Judge: E.L. Padberg Court: 12 Term Month (MM): 02 Term Year (YYYY): 1936 Disposition: P.G. to drive M.V. while intoxicated - 2 mos P: X J: Blank C: X Disposition Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 04/09/1936 Incarcerated: Workhouse Remarks (including Aliases): Alias: Emil Tulick, Wm. S. Lehman STLCity_CrimCrt_Index_C_04388Last Name: Costello First Name: Joe Middle Name: Age: 29 Color: W Sex: M Charge: H.C. & Driving M. Vehicle while intoxicated Case No.: 183 Judge: E.L. Padberg Court: 12 Term Month (MM): 02 Term Year (YYYY): 1936 Disposition: P.G. to drive M.V. while intoxicated - 2 mos P: X J: Blank C: X Disposition Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 04/09/1936 Incarcerated: Workhouse Remarks (including Aliases): Alias: Emil Tulick, Wm. S. Lehman |