St. Louis City, 1848



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county: St. Louis

year: 1848

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Bent Silas
Bent George
Bent Joseph R.
Bent Olivia
Benedict Fred
Berthoud Nicholas
Berthold Bartlemus Est.
Berthold Bartlemus Est.
Berthold Bartlemus Est.
Berthold Bartlemus Est.
Berthold Bartlemus Est.
Berthold Pierre A.
Berger Christian
Berger Paul
Bergesch and Niemeier
Bergesch Frederick
Bernard George
Buckenkamp Henry
Buckenkamp Henry
Berkeley George W.
Bernard Joseph
Bernard John H.
Berron Therese
Berry David
Berryman N. G.
Berning W. B.
Last edit 3 months ago by Rita32
Page Status Needs Review


county: St. Louis

year: 1848

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Bertram Hemiah
Bertram Edward
Bertram Ernest
Bertrand Michael Est.
Best S.
Best H.
Betzholtz Frederick
Betzholtz Frederick
Betts George H.
Betts George H.
Betts George H.
Betts George H.
Betts George H.
Betts George H.
Betts George H.
Betts Mary J.
Betts Sebastian
Beteis Henry
Beir Wm. T.
Last edit 3 months ago by Rita32
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county: St. Louis

year: 1848

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Biddle John
Last edit 3 months ago by Rita32
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county: St. Louis

year: 1848

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Biddle Catherine as one of the Dovizees of Ann Biddle
Biddle Catherine as one of the Dovizees of Ann Biddle
Biddle Catherine as one of the Dovizees of Ann Biddle
Biddle Catherine as one of the Dovizees of Ann Biddle
Biddle Catherine as one of the Dovizees of Ann Biddle
Biddle Catherine as one of the Dovizees of Ann Biddle
Biddle Elizabeth N.
Biddle Elizabeth N.
Biddle Elizabeth N.
Biddle Mary
Biddle Mary
Biddle Mary
Biddle Mary
Biddle Mary
Biddle Mary
Biddle Mary
Biddle James
Biddle James
Biddle Ann Mrs., Est.
Biddle Catharine C.
Biddle Catharine C.
Biddle Catharine C.
Biddle Catharine C.
Biddle Catharine C.
Biddle Catharine C.
Biddle Catharine C.
Biddle Hannah S.
Biddle Hannah S.
Biddle Hannah S.
Biddle Hannah S.
Last edit 3 months ago by Rita32
Page Status Needs Review


county: St. Louis

year: 1848

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Biere Philip
Breiman C. S.
Bignault T.
Biglou Jotham Jr.
Billings Albert
Powers Wm.
Billings Albert
Billon Charles P.
Billon Francis E.
Billon F. S.
Binz Stephen
Bins Valentine
Bins Valentine
Bins Valentine
Bins Valentine
Burns John
Burns John
Bingham John
Bingham John
Bingham John
Bingham David
Bingham David
Last edit 3 months ago by Rita32
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 197 in total