Letter from the Robinson Family papers, dated 1871-02-05



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[at top of page on left:]

D.[G.?]B. M.B. [cross sign] S. M.P.[H.?]

East Montpelier. Vt. Feb. 5. '71.

My precious husband:

Such a dear letter as comforted and gladdened me last night. Don't call thy "mid-weeks" miserable, dear. Each one seems the very best that could be. I don't expect long ones then, and though every little word is so precious, I dont want thee to hurt thy eyes the least little bit to write to me. Thee will be careful of them and of thy general health, for thy "bearers' sake" - love. Try some W. I. molasses and sal. for thy cold. Into half a teacupful put enough salaratus to make it foam to the top, by stirring - Take some whenever thee coughs. I've faith in it. I cant bear to have the cough settle down for a permanent residence in this manner. If nothing thee does makes it depart do call in the help of some physician. My head is better for a day or two. - and I have considerable hopes of it. Since the catarrh has been so very bad

[sideways at top of page:]

I am so sorry for Sis. Isn't she bright enough and strong enough to see the trouble and get out of it.

The horror of a couple who had a happy, prosperous courtship - with no forebodings of evil, no doubts of the other's love and constancy, which their names are R. & S.

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Ive been slightly troubled with that complaint the Dr. asked me about. I read in a book that married women rarely escaped from it, but it was not because I am married, for I never had anything like it till I came here and had such a cold. Nothing in the least serious, dear, and it has almost disappeared, now. I brought our black [gum?] and think that a daily use of cold water very beneficial, and all that is necessary. It was hardly worth speaking about. I think the black [gum?] is a great preserver from sickness as well as "danger," and wonder some such weapon is not more used by women. I thank thee for getting it every time I use it - I am "very careful" for my dear bear's sake. I feel very well, now my head is better. I'll try the little pills a while longer, wouldn't thee. - and hope not to be obliged to resort to any thing else. Wont thee try some more Sage and get right well of this terrible pest, if possible. That makes me think, does thy head have spells of shaking as it did once in a while in the fall. I know thee'll be moderate about smoking and I don't feel at all worried about it, for my dear boy is too

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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wise and loving not to be. Does thee chew any now? It is past ten, A.M. Wonder if thee's had thy breakfast. O, how we do want to be together Sundays and "all our days." If we were sure of 67 dollars every four weeks, we'd try it, wouldn't we, dear? May the Lord hasten the happy time. Meanwhile we will work and wait as patiently as possible - Yes, precious, we care a world more for the durable riches we now possess in each other's never failing love than for everything else, and I think very little of fame or riches and only care for enough to insure us against these wretched separations. It will come in time, my darling. - Wont it be good to be together again. O, how very good, with no near prospect of parting again. Dear, dear, love, don't I know how nobly thee is working for thy "woman-kind." I can hardly understand why thee should value her so much, and fear, sometimes thee will find her really out and then thee'll be so disappointed and sorehearted. I never have meant to deceive thee, in anything that I know if, but I used to be more afraid than lately, that thee was deceived. It is most

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too good to be believed, but I know it is so, that thy big heart has held me to love, faults and all, and I have come to believe there never will be any very bitter awakening for thee, beloved. How well I know there can be none for me, for from the very first day I knew thee I've loved the better and better. Sometimes we have lived so guilty happy and content, that I didn't think much about it but stopping an instant to look back I've always been sure, thee has grown dearer, and better to me every day. O, my love what a blessing thee has been and is and ever will be to me, I never can be thankful enough that thee loves me and cares so much for my love.

Now it is luncheon time, and then I must write some other letters. - Many [kiss signs] and good bye for a little minute. I gues thee's writing to thy wife, today. What a comfort it is to us - to just let ones thoughts run off at the tip of the pen - without a fear that anything will be misunderstood. I had just waked up Monday [inserted]when I wrote in pencil[/inserted] [morning?] after a little nap. Mary was ready to go - but I wanted to add a late word. I remember talking to some women all the time and that must have been the cause of the "[you?]". It sent a chill over this, I know. I never thought of calling thee so, dear, and shouldn't if I'd known what I was about. Thee knew I didn't think of Mr. [W?]. It is strange, I do think, that he so seldom enters my head, considering the turmoil he used to make there. Thank God, he didn't get into my heart. What a fool I was to ever think he possibly could. How glad and thankful I am for thee, my beloved mate, whenever I chance to think of that old anxious, troublous time. How blest the present seems in comparison. How good and noble, my precious husband - how pure and true, his love.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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East Montpelier, Vt. Feb. 5, '71. My precious husband; Such a dear letter as

[Diagonally across the top]

I am so sorry for Sis (?). Isn't she fright(?)enough and (?) enough to see the troubles and get-out-of it. The furor(?) of a couple who had a happy, prosperous courtship with no foreboding of evil, no doubts of the other's love and constancy, which their names are R. + A.

D.O.B. M.B. + S. M.T.A.

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