Untitled Page 8




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Yes, my dear, we could readily understand
thy feelings in regard to the Review and
appreciate thy motives - and know all the
time, thee has no lack of love for our darling
precious mother, or for us - A short notice
has appeared, in that paper - I don't know
by whom written. Probably I should not
think [St?]. John could write anything about
her, quite, good enough. Cousin Louisa
gave the benediction at the close of both sessions
of Quarterly meeting - a thing never heard in
a Friend's meeting before.

We are attending a course of lectures at
Montpelier this winter, that we find
very interesting. The best one I have heard
yet was Col. Higginson on "Wealth." He
is a beautiful speaker - in face, form,
delivery and matter. We hoped to hear
Fred Douglass, this week but he does
not come until later. I have just finished
reading a Life of Mozart by a German
and liked it so much. I am now engaged
with [indecipherable] "If, Yes,
and Perhaps," a charming book.
We are very sorry to hear of Lloyd's poor
health, but hope he has recovered by this
time. I shall be very glad to hear
from thee whenever thee can write to
me. After Mary and thee boys thee is
the nearest to mother of any one. In some
respects, nearer than they for thee knew her
years before they did. I wish I could hear thou
talk a year about her - the precious -

With a great deal of love, "farewellie"

Anna -

That word used to be our last good-night when we

[in right margin:]

were children and all [?]

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