Washington Harbor.
That [P.M.?] gave me my
first experience in Hos-
pital life at Washington.
When I look back at the
time, it seems strange
to me that I am yet
alive. Are there five
months of this year to
be spent in that way?
I hope not, yet how little
did I know of Suffering!
compared with thousands
who are there now.
My [hand?] seems more at
[use?] now, then before it
was [lanced?] with a jack
knife though it is not
healed at all yet, and
continues to run some
every day, but, and it
seems stranger to me,
it is not sore.
[page break]
As for Surgicals advance
I'll none of it, at present.
I thank Cousin Rowland
for his good opinion of
me and if thee writes him
plese tell him so; does
he have anything of the
war [recalled?] to him.
James Joslyn does not feel
very proud of the figure he
must have cut, in the con-
dition he was, when he
saw you; he feels ashamed
of it some, I guess. I saw
Morrill yesterday. He is not
very well at present.
Thee seems to have a
great interest in the
louse question, I can on-
ly say that they are not
so bad after one is used
to them, and I know it
is a luxury to set down
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