



Status: Page Status Incomplete

Dear sister, there were some boys at
work on the N.S. farm who came
[???] from the Pinery up in Wis.
and one day I asked them if they
knewany one thare by the name of
[Herill?], one said he did and the others
went on and gave a correct description
of Isaiah [Herrill?], they have been
in the same [???] with him for the
past six month, and they told many
stories of him that were [???], all over
some I would like to write here but cant
as this on [???] will not allow, Monday
Above [???] they corrispondance with dear [Cornelia?]
I dont think ther is badly in the [???]
to the matter. for cousin [Masy?] wrote [???] letter
in the after [???] was out here the first
time and before the was the second, and ate
[never?] received an answer

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