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Ive been slightly troubled with that complaint
the Dr. asked me about. I read in a book that
married women rarely excaped from it, but it
was not because I was married, for I never had
anything like it till I came here and had such a
cold. Nothing in the least serious, dear, and it has al
most disappeared, now. I brought our black gun and
thnk that a daily use of cold water very beneficial,
and all that is necessary. It was hardly worth
speaking about. I think the black gun is a great
preserver from sickness as well as "danger," and
wonder some such weapon is not more used
by women. I thank thee for getting it every time I
use it. I am "very careful" for my dear fear's safe [?].
I feel very well, now my head is better. I'll try the
little pills a while longer, would not thee, and hope
not to be obliged to resort to anything else. Wont
thee try some more Sage and get right well
of this terrible pest, if possible. That makes me
think does thy head have spells of shaking
as it did once in a whle in the fall. I know
thee'll be moderate about smoking and I don't
feel at all worried about it, for my dear boy is too

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