Letter from the Robinson Family papers, dated 1870-01-05



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[???] during the past month, I find it amounts to more than the work of any other month at home, and is fully up to the New York average - So much for working with my darling - a good omen, is [???] it? I want to get in shape a [fine?] idea I have in my head, and then I dont care to bother with any more paging work for a month, but will practice on [???] of a better [???] than these comin affairs if I own only get to illustrat [???] for the papers it will give us the start we want. - Can thee think of some ideas about March winds? [Bland?] - up, down, out, any kind of blows, with funny a double meanings. No matter about rhymes, as they don't pay, and it is [???] last to make them. Then comes April fooling - and then May [moving?]. I am glad Mary is easily enough [???] it like that [???] turn. I will try to make something of the [???], better worth having. Such lovely mornings so we have had for walking since thy [flitting?]. I wonder if we'll get any more such, with far grand, after thee comes back. If we do, and father is as well, "what larks!" When does thee think thee will come? O, I never did want to see thee as much as now, and I, my precious [???], I never, never did love thee so much as I do this minute. Thursday, Dear love, I wonder if thy days go as slowly by as mine, if thee is as glad as I when bedtime comes, and as sorry to wake in the morning and begin another lovely day. Each day I miss thy dear presence more than yesterday, and wonder, how long can I endure to live without thee. - Yes, dear, it does "sometimes seem almost too good to be true" that there is mine and I am thine, "but it is true." That in shall be "[anite?] before [???]" seems so much too good to be true, that a sickening, deadly from that it will never be, [???] comes upon me, not a fear that anything can ever always [sheperds?] us, but that I love, and death may prevent our marriage here. God grant us a few years at least of such happiness as our married life must be a God [???], then and keep thee safe, my darling, my dear, precious love..Perhaps it is this fear

Last edit 5 months ago by Epfennig
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2. 1-5-1870

that made me smile - that I have about an earlier day than Sept 15th perhaps it is not but to think of it, I dont know. Only tell me just how thee feels about it when thee has thought it over by thyself - I am afraid [???] of thy family approves thy choice much. I am very sorry, but they must take me on trust, and try not to judge what I shall be, by what I have been. And yet, why should they not judge me so, for thy cannot know how love has changed my life, and all its aims and purposes. I wonder if they can know what good cause I have to be thankful for them? O, how I thank God for thee, thou life of my soul, thou light of my life, "mine in this world and the world to come," who has made life something better than I ever dreamed it could be. As long as thee loves and trusts me, I doubt I can much what the [???] of the world (what a little part thy [heart?] is!) thinks of me, only I am sorry to have those who are dear to thee, troubled about thy future. What a darling thee is, precious love, to write as thee did on about the 15th. I dont believe thee knows how much I thank thee for it. And how glad I am thee is not shy about it now - it used to bother me so to know thee feels so. Father had a letter from Anna last night. Lloyd was better of the attack of [???] and the others will, only Anna had troubles [???] a good deal. I don't quite understand how it is, but I am afraid Tim's California plan has [???] in the pan Here is what Anna writes - "Jonas writes that before he rec'd our letter, he had engaged for the winter all the men needed. We both regret this exceedingly, feel -ing that a [chance?] that is all probability will never [???] again has been lost. If Lloyd was out then he could urge Jonas to renew the [???] of keeping

Last edit 5 months ago by Epfennig
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