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Fast Day. Dear William

Glad and [were?] glad to
hear from you, and your
folks. I have not time to
write but a word, so here it is.

We are in as good health as
will [evrage?], take time together.

I coughed a piece of bone, from
my wind pipe, ([underline]wine pipe[/underline]) this morning.

And I feel a great relief.
My, from morning until 10 o'clock
coughing exercises, ceased at [ons't?]
O! And it does seem so pleasant
to be able to sit and write what
I have now, without being obliged
to get up and cough, with all my might,
5 or 6 times, as has been the case so long
- [day?] all right! is off from early dawn,
until allmost night.

I have had Horace White's (George) boy all
winter, excepting about 3 weeks.
I had a [?] from [N.H.?] ([Top-of-leggs?])
I have engage Tho. Cobbitt to do my
team work this spring, so I am all right.
Remember me and [underline]us[/underline] to [Gen.?] Putt. & the other half.
If you get the bloated-up disease, give us a
call before is to late. yours &c Dr. Jess.

[page break]

Lost Nation. March 31 /61

Dear Cousin Will.

Yours of the 7th was duly
receive, it gave us much pleasure to hear
from you, did not intent to be so dilatory in wri-
ting this time, but so it is, always behind
but however knowing your good nature I
feel sure of pardon this time at least.
I am very gratefull for the [underline]sympathy[/underline]
you express. it sort of releives that sensa-
tion of fullness like which one feels when
over come with grief to know that even
one [underline]heart beats in unison with its own[/underline]
but alass for poor [Bossy?] she found an
early grave. I fear she laid at heart
to deeply the absence of her [underline]Rev. Tutor[/underline]
from the East. she has past away like
a tale that is told. Betsy calls occa-
sionaly but with slow and measured
tread, like one in dispair, poor
thing? she to! I fear feels to deeply her
[underline]lorrds[/underline] departure, for I think her
[underline]nose[/underline] looks larger than ever.

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