Uncle Joseph was burned out this winter they saved all their clothng and the most of their furniture, [but?] being doubtful about their getting their insurance money, they have sold their farm and were selling out generally the last we heard and trying to pay off their debts what they will do in future I do not know. Amy is down there still I have not heard from her lately if Uncle Joseph should resume housekeeping probably she will stay with him if not doubtless she will come home.
We have not heard from Uncle Lindley in a long while. he was at our Yearly Meeting and did a good deal of preaching.
Think thou wilt not come to Iowa some day; come to our next Annual gathering and bring as many of thy family as thou likes and come and make us a good long visit.
It has been a rainy day and none of us went to meeting, our Scripture school was to have commenced today but the weather may have prevented it.
affectionately thy cousin