Letter from Jesse & Lydia, dated 1861-02-13



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Wm. B. Stevens East Montpelier Vt.

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[back of envelope]

Ticknor and Fields No. 135 Washington St. Boston

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Essex Febuary 13, 1861.

Dear William,

It may seem a long time since you wrote but it seems but a day to us. As [underline]we[/underline] have been gon a month in the time.

We went home Newyears, and I went on as far as Shoreham, [?] & Crown point; and last saturday we got home from our northern tour. And learned the particulars of Maryetta's adventure. But did not see her. But learned that she was Married the next day after she left here, at her Brothers in Sheldon. (Her riches that she [underline][mared?][/underline] or [underline][marrowed?][/underline] her self for, consists in 8 [locarmotions?] at 8000 dollars a head. But as you know some of them

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have ripened off - like all kinds of frute - and have dropped their frute after their own adoption - after the manner of all the world. And 6 chairs a minus backs 3 beds trundle bed wore out, and [emegrated?] in the manner of thistle-blooms. But the [bad?]-headed one is left, and another one is about [underline]heading out[/underline], as [per.?] talked of when you wer here. Don't you think [underline]Jane[/underline] has got married too: She has got a nice [underline]young[underline] man. His name is [underline]Woodrough[/underline], ownes a small place in Underhill. Jane's oldest girl weyed about a month ago 160[lb?] and was a gaining at the rate of 5[lbs?] a week and is short of 15 years yet.

Lydia thinks some of your hard wishes must have been granted as we found it dead one morning soon after you left. (her Calf I mean)

[page break]

Betsey's visites are nominal. She finds a plenty of lies to tel the truth about. I think she quizes my wife rather clocer than usual about her [mark?]. Probably to see if it compares with yours. It may be she is bothered to see any differance.

John Page is left an orphan. His dear Mother died about 4 weeks ago.

Probably you have heard that Ezra Hazard is marred before now. We did not go to that Thanks-giving. Polly is on hand (or shoulders) and as full of [fun?] as she can hold. Her p--p or [patent?] kiss, is ever ready at the proper time.

I have ot seen [underline]Durhan[/underline] still since you left here. But I understand he is a [dooing?] business in his feeble way.

I hae bought a premium [underline]dog[/underline]. Pade a great price (Scotch Shepherd)

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Liver Pills not made yet. My Friend Robinson has bought him a farm, and has gone to Farming.

We have had a very deep [snoe?], and two heavy blass of wind, stacking it up mountains high, & what it did not heap up, it has [throwed?] off.

14th I commenced writing this yesterday, writing & mending chairs and shooting rats, alternately as I could bear it, as I can't set to my desk, but about 15 or 20 minutes at a time. We ar both as well as usual, and a little bettter as an average. Give our love to all our friends about you.

We probably shall not be able to visite you in that section this winter, as we have had a hard time of it so far.

We came home Saturday pretty much recked, a new shoe tore off Johnny a badly corker, and heels bruse & blood shot, one legg as big & 4 ought to be, dash board split in twain, one side of the [s?] tron out & on [?] minus.

Our respects Respectfully

Jesse & Lydia

(please write soon)

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