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please xcuse this & write [strikeout]soon[/strikeout] all about the farm & stock. with much love from thy son
James Stevens
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Danver City, Col. [Tern?] 4 m 3 1864
Dear Mother
It has come my time again to write to thee. we just got in today from down the river & a pritty cold [trip?] we had of it to. I begin to think that we shal have to go east to get warm weather this year. one night last week we lost 15 mules & 7 of them wer found with the Indians 40 miles belo camp. we suppose that they drove them off
we expect to start for fort union new mexico in a few days if they can get men. there are so many going to the new mine that men are pretty scarce. they are paying $[30?] a month & the men say that they wont go unless they get $35 or $40 & they will have to pay it or elce not have drivers. our health is quite good now. Timothy has had a sore throte & I have ben a little unwell but not much. I should like to have some of your new sugar & fresh milk & butter. I have not
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tasted a mite of butter that was fit to eat since I left home. I hope that Charley has given up going to the war. if he has not tel him he had better stay at home. if he goes a soldiering he will see harder times than he ever thought of or at [heas?] I have seen more rough times than I [strikeout] would if I had stade in vermont all of my life but still I do not complane for it was my choice to come & now I cannot tell when I shall be back. we expect to lode up tomorrow