Morrisville. March 16th. 62
Dear Mother,
Thee said that my last letter was to short I am afraid that this will be ahorter than that was as I catched a verry hard cold last 5 day and was quite sick the Dockter was in to see me last night and he said that I had come fever and so he left some stuff for me to take which
has helpt me and I am quite smart now but rather weak yet. Thee wanted to more about my room mte. I have two one of them the one that I call [mino?] has all of these good stripes that thee wanted to know about (or at least he sais he has and I think he has). Mr Blanchard is in town and he says that Mrs B is better is [thus?] so or not. We have about 100 scholars [now?] and most of them large ones. [Fany?] boards at Mrs G. Phil is going to keeping house soon.
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I had a letter from Wm last week he was well he said that the Vt Brigade had gone to Manassas that morning but he was left behind to tend to things.
The folks are all pretty wel except bad colds. I cant think of much more to write so thee must excuse this and write to thy son.
James Stevens