Letter from Henry, dated 1862-03-22



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Dear Mother

Henry gives me a chance to put in a line here, so I will [?] it. I am feeling much better than when I wrote last, but still there is a chance to improve some and I am trying to do so. My [wrist?] is not any worse than when I left home, nor is it a bit better, as I can see; when I do any lift= ing which is not often, it will be [worse?] for a few days. I have a good deal of headache of late. The order for moving, which we have now, says we are to go at 7-30, but it is now 7-15, so we are not likely to be gone just on the instant. I got thy and Mary's good letters yesterday, and was much interested with some parts of them though it told of Horace's misfortunate adventure. He was

Last edit almost 4 years ago by atwhalen
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bound to be a boy "out & out", it seems. It is most time to be making Sugar up there, but I suppose you will be late this year, for the depth of snow you have on the ground at last advices. The morning is very fine and the Robins & Sparrows are enjoying it fully. The Frogs have been "in tune" for more than a week. If I had time I would write some of the particulars of our movements, which might interest you some, but I cannot well do it now as al

will soon be confusion here, so I mut close I do not know where we shall be when I write again, or whether we shall be where we shall have Postal facilities or not; whether we do or not, I must now say Fare well


Last edit almost 4 years ago by atwhalen
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