Letter from Henry, dated 1862-01-12



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Camp Griffin Va. Jan. 12th. 1862.

My Kind Friend -

I find it necessary this evening to perform an act which you in particular requested of me in case anything should happen to Willie viz. give you immediate information of it and all the particulars. Do not suppose that anything serious has happened. Several days ago I visited William and found him rather unwell. He had been on duty the day before, got up at twelve and tried to stay till seven but was obliged to leave at four That day there was a foraging expedition and the Hospital Steward went out and left his duties to William who couldn't refuse him. He did also some other extra duties, which all made up a good days work for a well man. I scolded him some for being so

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imprudent. His case stands about like this. First he overworked took cold and was threatened with billious fever which he broke up. He is now sick with Jaundice. His eyes are as yellow as safron and when he scratches his skin instead of turning red, it turns yellow. He is confined to his bed most of the time though he is very cheerful and feels no pain when lying still. His appetite is poor and stomach unsettled. He has good care, has a nice bed in his tent, and every thing as comfortable as need be. You need not feel anxious about him for I think he is in no danger, and rest assured that I will do everything I can for him.

It is now quite late. I have been very busy all day and have found no time to write this tll late this evenng - I must ask to be ex-

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cused from writing more. My health continues good. Hope Willie will soon be well as I presume he will. Please remember me to Mr. & Mrs. Orcutt.

Hoping this will find you well I remain as ever

Your Friend


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Rachel B. Stevens East Montpelier Vermont

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