my services for this fall and winter for which he would pay liberally - I was not at liberty to make any bargain with him, but wrote him perhaps I could teach there. How long he would wait on the strength of that "perphaps" I do not know. It would be a good chance if you could get it, and for five months would pay about $125. I should have written you about this but as I said before I was going to do so much better by you - A teacher in Mathematics was wanted at Keeseville a short time since but the place is now filled - I can recommend you to a five months winter school or a four months one - Anything I can do for you I will gladly do - and had I let [underline]very well[/underline] alone I might have done you more service - regard the motive not the act. Write me on receptioin of this. I shall stay at home some more than a week. I wish you could visit me - I cannot write more now - my regards to all.
Your Friend Henry.
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Waterbury Aug. 24, 1861 -
My Dear Friend -
I have just returned from N.Y. and at once will inform you of the result of my mission. Partial success attended my efforts. I would gladly report progress by word of mouth but it is inconvenient for me to visit you just now - possibly I may before the close of vacation. I waited at Burlington till Friday after Commencement to hear from you, but no word coming I left there Friday Eve for N.Y. which place, owing to unavoidable delays I did not reach till the following Monday. I staid there till Friday looking round among my [scholars?]. At that time, though I asked them when I first got there the Trustees were unprepared to give me an answer in regard to the [?]. I saw plainly they did not want me to have it.
and I left for other parts. I went from there to [Lewis?] and spent a little time with Kile and Patterson and then went to Hillsboro. Matters were much worse here than I had any idea of. From Mrs. Patterson's letter I supposed that there would be no difficulty in getting a good school for the times. Possibly you might have paid your expenses there but not much more. There ws no chance there and I was much disappointed - but that don't make money plenty or bring in the scholars. I then went to Jay to a place called GreenStreet - There I met with more encouragement and would have done something for you but there are some scholars there who have made some advancement in Greek and wish to study it this term as they intend to enter College next Fall. As it was doubtful about my having the house at Upper Jay, I concluded to take up with their offer which I consider better than any risk run in these times. I am to have $75 and board for the term certain for fifteen scholars residing in the district. If any come in
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from out of the district the first money so received goes to reduce the tuition of the younger of the fifteen to the common rates - the next to pay for my board at one place and the rest if there be any to increase my pay. I think there will be ten or fifteen from out of the district. I expect to clear at least $100. I am sure of $75 for substantial men have guaranteed me that amount. I am sorry I have not been more successful for you. Had I not been so sanguine about a school at Hillsboro I might have put you on track of two schools which would have paid at least $25 per mo. One chance is gone by, and whether the other is or not I cannot tell. I had applications to teach both which I declined and might have referred them to you but I was going to do better by you, not stooping to pick up the [underline]small pieces[/underline] I was after the "pile". The result is I failed to find the pile and some one else has come in for one if not both of the "bits". Possibly you can get a school at [Kent's Corner?] Calais. Ira R. Kent wrote me before Commencement wishing to engage