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return. Kilo is rather taking the lead
but Bryant will dispute it next year
I think.

I presume you are surprised to re-
ceive a letter from me at this time,
since you have not answered my last
yet. I have in fact rather a modest
request to make. Nothing but dire ne-
cessity could compel me to make it.
Can you and will you send me
about the amount of ten dollars ($10.00)?
If you haven't that amount can you get
it for me? I am ashamed to make the
request of you, but I have some bills
to pay here and all I have to do it
with is what I earned while at home.
Two men promised me some money
but both have failed to fulfil.
Hence I am forced to seek it from
other sources.

I rec'd a letter from Timothy last night,
he was well when he wrote, was out of

[page break]

Are you haying now? I hope you
are able to work.

But - Calculus demands me time
and I must bring this to a close.
With my best regards to all your people
I will close this hastily and poorly
written note.

Your True Friend


P.S. For war news, Capt. Drew has
not been heard of since the battle. His
first-Lieut. has returned home on
a furlough of thirty days. He reports
that Drew was not in the battle, and
[carries?] the idea that there is a little
want of pluck.


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