I am alone now. Height has enlisted and gone to [Vergennes?]. He will be [underline]Orderly[/underline] if not higher. His company will go in the 3d probably. Capt. Theophilus will go in the 2d. He has a company that will be good for hard places. His first Lieut. was in the Mexican war. I have not been out to the Dr's yet. Do not know when I shall. I wish you would come down and make me a good long visit, and I will go out there with you. I will now bring this to a close. Hoping to hear from you soon
I remain
With sincere regard,
Your Friend
P.S. I get board for $1.75. good board too.
[page break]
North Hall June 2, 1861.
My Dear Friend,
A pleasant duty indeed it is to acknowledge the reception of another of your ever welcome letters. And the pleasure is increased by the fact that I have no long excuse to make for not writing sooner. I propose that we omit such apologies altogether, for I have sufficient confidence in you - and trust you have in me also - to believe that you would not delay your replies without some good excuse. But I hope we may both be so prompt that no such prefatory remarks will be needed. College life is a little more varied this term than usual. We have military duties to perform as well as Collegiate. We have organized a company, chosen most of the officers, and are Drilling daily. We have the same drill-master as before. The company would consent