Burlington March 31. 1861.
My Dear Friend
You will doubtless be surprized at receiving such a letter from me and will say that I am indeed the most unstable of mortals. I shall dissent from that opinion, in fact - I am more determined than a few weeks since to pursue my studies.
I am now in Burlington in the U.V.M. a member of the Sophomore class. You may be somewhat surprized at this sudden change in my plans, but - I trust - agreeably.
When I came here I had not the [?est?] idea of stopping more than a day or two. I went to see Calvin for the purpose of letting him my intentions. He gave me such a nice talking to that before I left him, I promised partially to return in the summer. There was meanwhile considerable importunity from the boys. I at last came to the conclusion that if the faculty would permit me to go into
the Junior Class I would stop. I consulted the President, he referred me to the several Proffessors as knowing more about my scholarship.
In Clark's department I was nearly up, and he said I could come in provided I would bring up the rest, which he thought I could do creditably. Proffessor Buckham took a deeper view of the matter than merely getting through and graduating, and while he said I could go along with the class without doubt as far as his department was concerned, he thought I should always be dissatisfied with my course. He advised me to consider the matter well and make up my own mind as to what I had better do. One point was settled that I would return to College. I next consulted my College mates. '62 had strong claims on me and felt unwilling to let me go. Some of a class whose only aim is to graduate told me to go along, but those who looked to my good advised me to go into the Sophomore class, of which opinion I was after a little consideration.
Accordingly I was duly installed a member of the class of '63, which hereafter is to be the motto.
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I am not now very well acquainted with the class, but we have some capital men by no means confined to [underline[one society[/underline].
As a necessary consequence of my absence I am somewhat behind hand. I will give you an outline of what is to be done this year if I take anything of a position in my class. I have all my freshman studies to review which will be more difficult since I have been absent so long.
I have the studies of last fall beside those [underline]exercises[/underline] of the spring and summer to read for the first time. I have a sophomore oration to write, the usual allowance of rhetorical exercises, and the customary duties incident to belonging to three societies. You will at once say that Mc. has a greater burden than he can bear, and will probably wish to know how my health is at present. I feel that I have as much to do as ought to be imposed on an ordinary individual, but I hope to be able to do something if not as much as I would like.
I am much better than when at your house, and I rely upon a course of Dr. Foote's medicine.
which I have just sent for to set me all right. I am in rather destitute circumstances to purmy college studies. I have a few fine clothes but all my other clothes are at home and in York. The books I want to use are in York, and as for money I had but a dollar. I shall try and get along till vacation. I can borrow almost anything. Even to money. Yesterday I gave Prof. Clark my I.O.U. for twenty five dollars. I shall occupy North Hall, and nothing would be more pleasant than to have you for a "chum". And if you possibly can come you must. I shall be lonesome without you. I want you to come and I need say no more. I shall hire my board this term, and I think the rest of the time during the College course, unless you can give me as good fare at North Hall.
Last week the Literary Societies had their election. For a long time the Delts in these have had their own way, but last fall the Sigs and Owls united and took all the offices to themselves. This spring they were intending to do the same but feared their inability inpoint of numbers.