Letter from Aaron N. Freeman to George Gilpin Robinson

Letter written by Aaron N. Freeman to George Gilpin Robinson, dated April 5, 1864. 

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.


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Jackson Vill Florida April the 5 1864

Mr George Robinson i thought that I woud inform you how we are treated here I hav work all night and then had to drill all day they make them that hav got on boots go out in thair bair feet in the [Chisll??] and drill then they set on thair horses and laf at us that aint right i hant had but one shirt for more then a month when I git my shirt wash i hafta tak it of and let it dry then put it on a gain sum times I hafta catch lise sum times they are as thick as the hair on a dog and flase with them to boot cant get eny thing that is fit to eat here then I hav had a cold [??] sense

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp


i hav been here i think that we shant get eny money from the goverment they say that they ont pay but 7 dolars a month that what the Cournal said to they paid to colord troops and he said that we had beter right home and see a boutit he said that he could not do enything a boutit then i thought i had beter right home and see what could be done a boutit i dont wanto stay down here and git knothing for it and be killd or git my limes brake then git. nothing to help my self with then cam on the town & dont want buy such i want to hav my pay or get home i dont wan to i dont want mark for nothing

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i want to get home as soon as i can for I dont get fair play here they dont treat this rigment as they do the others rigment they are the poores off for things they dont pay them eny thing. they dont want to pay them eny thing i cant stand that i want my pay and i know i shant getit they say it is a fraid under a falce patence that they hav got us down here i think that they cant hold us thair can they i want sum one to find out whather they can or not and get us a way or get our pay i can git sum things then that will make me beter off if i should be sick i should hafter suffer i hafter sufer a nuf know i hant had any think fit to eat sense I come down here your truly Aaron

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp


please excuse the scribling it is a hard place to right

Aaron N Freeman

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
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