Letter from Harry Massey to Barbara Massey


Letter written by Harry Massey from the No. 6 Palestine company at the Bluffs to Barbara Massey.

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.


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some kind and I heard this week that the cook has been given a week's notice. So I had him come to see me today and have taken him on at [L]5 a month. There is no doubt we shall have some good food now - and I expct that the economies he will make will go most of the way towards paying his wages. It will make quite a difference if there are some intersting meals to go up to, instead of always knowing exactly what it is going to be. But it is really amazing how useless, practically all men are, when it comes to the practical side of food - and they seem to almost take a pride in their ignorance. All the officers were bored stiff with the food, and [Moscovitz] - was the one whose job it is to look after it - but he has no idea at all what to do to bring about some improvement.

The enclosed newspapter cutting may amuse you a little, darling. The amazing thing is that I cannot remember whether I told you about this before, or not. I wrote my ma again this week, and told her something about it, and I have only written you a letter card since the 15th when it happened - so perhaps I did not tell you. There is not so very much to tell really. Except that I never really expected to march in frount of a recruiting parade, and behind a band = through two miles of main street - a large town, and with thousands of spectators, wildily cheering and clapping and throwing flowers. And there was I - a lonely figure, strutting

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haughtily along in front. I kept thinking that I was almost glad you were not here, because if I had met your eyes, I should never have been able to keep a straight face. There was one very ugly moment, when I turned a corner into another street which went steeply down hill. What with the gradient, and the glassy surface, and my nails, I lost my feet entirely, and the next few paces were a mad skedaddle, with arms flying - but, thank God, I came back on my feet again. This steep hill went on for 1/4 mile, and it was agony the whole way. I decided [?], in my mind, that if I did fall down, I should just stay there, like a tired old dobbin. It would have been awful. It was a marvellous feeling, returning to the flat again. The lunch afterwards was quite amazing, and all the men received three large glasses of rather heady Passover wine, and the party broke up in frightfully good order. I may have said that I am reported as saying but I certainly do not remember it My men were extrememly good, and marched their two miles, with fixed bayonets in almost Guard like fashion - but the Engineers and people, were pretty Fred Karno. I'm told we may be doing some more of this - which suits me alright, as it is a change, for me and the men. When I was at the P.R.T.D. a fortnight ago, I met a new young 2/L/- from the Cheshires, who has just arrived out here. And he had come

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out on the boat with Norman Williamson, of all people. Norman is a very good man, very, very amusing, in his own [Bass]way - but I rather hope I steer clear of him - he gets into such dreadful scrapes and messes. It seems he is aware of my presence in the Middle East, having found my name in the Duty Officer's book at the I.B.D. I shall have to frightfully senior and assert my rank, if my path happens to cross his.

I don't think I ever told you about my batman, did I? His name is [Choinatzki], and he is 21, and a Pole, and a very nice little man, clean and fresh and looks after me very well indeed. I got him when I first went to the P.R.T.D. and have had him ever since. He had never done this sort of thing before, and darning and mending were quite new to him. But he learnt very quickly, and now does everything for me. He also takes good care of Peter, when I am busy or out - and can often be seen walking him up and down the road on the lead and looking rather self conscious.

Corporal [Labitsch?], my very pleasant, efficient and intelligent Orderly Room Corporal - I have now made into a Sergeant. He was very thrilled and thought for a moment, at the time, that he was going to kiss me. The lift to Sergeant is a very real one,

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because, apart from the pay, it means living in the Sgts Mess, instead of in a barrack room, & queuing up for meal in the men's dining hall. He was also at the last two concerts, & we had a long talk about them each, the next morning. He really is a charming & interesting young man - not at all a typical sergeant, but his work is excellent.

I have just been out for some food. I did not feel sufficiently sociable to go up to the Mess tonight. So I got hold of Headley, & we went to a place quite nearby, which has very good food. And then he came back to my room for a beer & a chat - & I have just had a hot bath, & so now it is 11-30 - & that is how the day passes. I have a hot bath every day, before diner, or before going to bed, & I have a cold bath every day before breakfast. I wash very thoroughly, & my consumption of soap is enormous, & I never miss my navel, & every time I do not miss it, I think of you, & wish like hell it was you giving it a scrape for me. My health is really very good, & there is no need to worry about that, darling. And about myself in general - well, I really seem to be much the same. My hair & my teeth look good for years! & there is no change in my figure. My giving up of whiskey still holds good, & I have had about two, since I stopped it 5/6 weeks ago. I now, really, drink nothing except 2 or 3 & sometimes 4 or 5 beers a day & an occasional gin, French, before dinner. So, that is

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another thing not to worry about. The pipe has not been so successfyl, but that is not really my fault after about a week, I started earache, and kind of neuralgia on the left side of my face. So I went to the M.O. He syringed the ear out - and then sait I should have my teeth xrayed. So I said I had heard that one before, and declined. I stopped smoking my pipe, and all the trouble stopped too. So it just seems that my teeth are not strong enough to hold a pipe, which is rather a shame. But I never could smoke on the right side, and ont he left side is my bridge tooth. It's now 12-0 - and I must go to bed. I do hope there is a letter from you tomorrow - Monday was my lucky day for some time.

This house has a pleasant little garden - and I am able to gather flowers every few days, which I have in front of photographs. White roses, and sweet william, and some other pretty coloured small flowers. I look and look at your pictures so much and so often, darling mine. And always I come to the same conclusion, that you are very lovely to look at, and I know you are very sweet and wonderful - and that i love you terribly much, and miss you painfully and more than I can say. And the only things I want are for you to be happy, and for me to come back to you soon. all my love to you sweetestheart - and to the baby. Always and forever your own Harry. always xxxxxx

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