military-education: AIRPLANE MECHANIC SCHOOL: ACTS Deesler Field, Miss. for 19 weeks.
AIRPLANE ELECTRICAL MECHANIC: Chanute Field, Ill, 9 weeks.
highest-completed-grade: 4 yrs H.S.
degrees: Diploma
year-left-school: 1939
name-of-last-school: Voses High School
address-of-last-school: Nathalie, Va
major-courses: Agriculture
course-name-address-date: Combination Welding
Richmond, Va
duration: 85 hrs
Nov 1939
civilian-occupations: Pipe Fitter: Installed piping and fittings (1-8'' to 8' size) used in fire sprinkler systems. One eighth inch size pipes were copper tubing; other pipe was iron and steel. Installed pumps and fixtures. Worked from blue-prints. Used all tools necessary to do the work. Was journeyman for 8 months. Was employed by the Grinnell Company Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina for 2-1/6 years. Has 4 years of experience as a pipe fitter.
additional-information: None
name-of-discharging-officer: WILLIAM E MERRITT Captain Infantry JCE
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