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Lunenburgh S's

Inquisition indented taken at the plantation
of one Fuquay in the county of Luninburg and parrish
of Comberland this 30th Day of October in the yeare of
our Lord 1759 before me William Caldwell one of his
majt Coroners of the Said County upon the [? ] of
the boddy of Thomas Adkins late of this County than
and there lying dead and upone the oath of Wm.
Fuquay and Andrew Cuningham John Fuquay Ensworth
Midelton James Weakly Wm. Cuningham Seth Warde
Robert Cuningham Philip Young George Abney and
[?Dennis?] Abney and Mattox Mayes good and honestfull men
of the parrish of Cumberland sworne to inquier how and in
what manner the said Thomas Adkins by his death came
upone thier oaths do say that one 21th day October and
year above mentioned he was accidentely throwne
in Stanton River ending the said river and further the
said juriers upon their oaths do say that the affore
said Thomas Adkins had at the time of his being drowned
had no goods or chattel lands or tenemenets in the
County afforesaid to the knowledge of the Juriours
aforesaid in testimony in testimoney whereof I as well
the said coroner of the jurors aforesaid to this Inquisition
have scarcerly put our hands and seals the day and
place first above mentioned.

Wm. Caldwell, Coroner
Mattox Mayes
William Cuningham
Seth Ward

George Abney
William Fuqua
Andrew Cuningham
John Fuqua
Jnpwith Midleton
Robert Cunningham
Philip Young
Dennit Abney
James Weakly

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