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Regular Meeting Executive Board
March 9, 1918

The Executive board met at 793 Cenrre Street on Friday,
March 8, the President in the chair. The other members
present were Mrs. Souther, Mrs. Brackett, Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. Gardner,
Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Monteith, Mrs. Sears, Mrs. Coe, Mrs.
Storrs, Mrs. Crabill, Miss Swain, Mrs. Chadwell.

Invitations were first read from the Dorchester and
Wollaston women's clubs, and it was left to the President
to find representatives of the Tuesday club to attend those
meetings if possible.

The matter of a Current Events speaker for next year
was then brought up, and the Board VOTED that the Chairman
of the Current Events Committee should ask Mrs. Crawford to
reserve at present dates in the first three months of next
year, beginning with November, also the last three months,
March, April and May, making six dates in all.

Mrs. Brackett, for the Social Service and the Legislative
Committee, read a very interesting report of the recent
meeting of the City Federation, at which were discussed
the bills concerning women police officers, physical educa-
tion in the public schools, continuation schools, the rati-
fication of the national prohibition amendment, and the min-
imum wage bill. the clubs were to be asked for assistance

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