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Meeting of the Tuesday Club Oct. 26, 1926.

The first meeting of the year, on Oct. 26, 1926,
was opened by our president with a few
words of greeting. Mrs. Rees then related
how she established cordial relations with
Mr. Loriney when she was in England this
past summer.

The secretary's report of the annual meet-
ing was read and accepted.

The hospitality Committee, Mrs. Grabill
Chariman, then gave us a delightful after-
noon. Miss Florence Andrew, at times
accompanied by Miss Audrey Johnston on
the piano, read a number of clever selec-
tions. Those entitled "Women" & "Husbands
for sale" were particularly funny.
After the meeting, tea was served in the
Loring-Greenough house by Mrs. Harold
Ernst, Mrs. Henry Putnam, Mrs. Russell
Hyde and Mrs. Henry Sears.

Respectfully submitted
Mary L. East, Rec. Sec'y.

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