Christmas Eve, 1925.
On Chrismatas Eve, the Loring-
Greenough House, opened wide its
doors, to welcome the Tuesday Club
and its friends. The warm hand-
clasp of our President, the lighted
candles, the blazing hearthstones, the
wealth of evergreen, the carol singers,
the good cheer of the dining room,
and the friendly faces, all combined
to kindle the spirit of Christmas
in the heart, and cement the
feeling of friendship that is the
basis of a Club's success.
Mrs. Charles H. Curtis and Mrs.
Robert Seaver had charge of the
arrangement, and Mrs. Charles H.
Adams, Mrs. Charles H. Souther,
Mrs. Ethelbert V. Grabill, and Mrs.
Albert W. Goodnow, presided over
the punch and coffee, in the dining
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy E. Henderson. Rec. Sec
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