Regular Meeting, Dec, 15, 1925
The regular meeting of the Tuesday Club was held December fifteenth at the Unitarian Parish House, and was opened by the President. After the reading of the secretary's report, Miss Mary Perry read the names of candidates for membership, who have been before the Club for one month. These were all accepted and placed on the waiting list. Miss Elizabeth J.* Beirstadt*, Mrs. Joseph Harriman, Mrs. W. N.* Hinckley Jr., Mrs. Frank James, Miss Anna S. Weld, Mrs. Alfred J. Guyon*, Mrs. Abiyah* A. Cahoon, Mrs. Timothy Leary. At the completion of the business, Mrs. Edric Eldridge, Chairman of the Music and Drama Committee, introduced Miss Claran and Thompron who gave a Costume Recital of Folk Songs. To a charming voice, Miss Thompson added clear ennunciation, exceptional pantomine and facial expression, so that she seemed to bring
the quaint folk, whose songs she sung, into actual being. Songs of the British Isles, Old French Songs, and Folk Songs of the South made up the program, the English ballad of "Hunting the Wren" and the French song of the drummer boys asking the kind for his daughter, only to reject her, being especially amusing. The Club also enjoyed the clever playing of Miss Mary Shaw Swan, who accompanied Miss Thompson. Adjournment followed,
Respectfully submitted, Lucy E. Henderson, Rec. Sec.