1925.86 December 8 1925



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Regular Meeting, Dec. 8, 1925.

The regular meeting of the Tuesday Club was held December eighth at the Unitarian Parish House and was opened by the President. The program for the afternoon was in charge of the Art Department, Mrs. Edwin F. Adams [added in pencil "Chairman"] and consisted of an illustrated lecture by Henry Warren Poor A. M. on the work of John Singer Sargent. Preceeding the Sargent pictures, however, Mr. Poor showed some beautifully colored slides of the Abbey paintings at the Boston Public Library, illustrating the Quest of the Holy Grail. These were followed by some of Whistler's masterpieces, Mr. Poor recalling in a few words the dominant and often tragic forces in the life of the artist. Finally, the Sargent paintings were shown, the wonderful portraits, the mural [added in pencil "decorations"] at the Public Library and the Art Museum, together with a fund of anecdote, giving the Club

Last edit 29 days ago by EmmaRuff
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a rare interpretation of the life and acheivment of John Singer Sargent. Adjournment followed. Respectfully submitted, Lucy E. Henderson, Rec. Sec.

Last edit 29 days ago by EmmaRuff
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