Regular Meeting, Nov. 17, 1925,
The regular meeting of the Tuesday Club, was held, November seventeenth, at the Unitatarian Parish House, and was opened by the President. After the usual business, which included the presentation of the Veterans Preference Bill and the opportunity for signing after the meeting, Mrs. George E. Seabury, Chairman of the Social Service and Legislative Department, introducded Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, Principal of PhillipsAndover. Dr. Stearns subject was "Youth and It's Problems", a topic so vital to the community that the Club held an "open meeting", that all who were interested might come. Dr. Stearns spoke of the abnormal conditions sorrounding our young people, resulting in carelessness of mind and causing the prevalence of ctime. When the prosecuting attorneys all over the country were asked the remedy for the present crime wave, all but two placed "Restoration of Religion in the Home", of first importance. The
responsibility lies in the home. The mothers and fathers must be on their jobs, to teach right living and higher ideals. Tea was served at the LoringGreenough House. The tables were decorated with pink and yellow crysanthemums and pale yellow-candles, and the pourers were, Miss Lena. Stadtmiller*, Mrs. Charles F. Bauer*, Mrs. John M. Sullivan, and Mrs. Robert W. Myers.
Respectfully submitted, Lucy E. Henderson, Rec. Sec.