Regular Meeting. Nov. 10, 1925.
The regular meeting of the Tuesday Club was held November tenth, at the Unitarian Parish House, and was opened by the President. After the usual business, Mrs. Ethelbert V. Grabill, Chairman of the History and Travel Committee, introduced Mrs. John Clarence Lee, who spoke on "Visiting an Eastern King". Mrs. Lee had a young Syrian prince, belonging to the Druses* of Lebanon, as a member of her family, from the time he was seven, until he was graduated from colege. At that time, he returned to his native land for a visit, and Mrs. Lee accompanied him, being entertained at the royal palace, in a way that would have been impossible under ordinary circumstances. Her vivid picture of the life there, together with the her charming way of telling it, gave the Club members an exceptional hour. Adjournement followed. Respectfully submitted, Lucy E. Henderson Rec. Sec.